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Woodbridge Music Club

WMC Member Services & Events

Teacher Referral Service

The Administrative Committee will provide a referral list of Woodbridge Music Club music teachers for inquiries concerning teachers who are currently accepting new students. The referral list will include contact information only (email and telephone) for teachers in the requested discipline. Each music teacher must contact the Administrative Committee regarding vacancies in his/her studio if they wish to be included on the referral list.

House Concerts

House concerts are designed as informal performance opportunities for members of the Woodbridge Music Club. Generally two or three House Concerts are held during each year. They are scheduled on Saturday evenings at 5:00 pm in private homes and members are invited to perform or simply attend. Additional information will be provided several weeks before house concert. Members who want to perform are asked to give advanced notice to the Concert Committee as early as possible. Members are asked to bring a dish to share for a potluck immediately following the performances at House Concerts.

Roundtable Discussions

The Woodbridge Music Club schedules periodic learning and sharing opportunities through informal workshops and round table discussions. These are held in private homes or local churches or business facilities. These events are open to all members and are usually coordinated with the Piedmont Music Club.

NFMC Music Outreach Program (Volunteer Hours)

The NFMC recognizes volunteers who have devoted their time in musical and music-related services to the confined in the community. The Woodbridge Music Club submits a report each year reflecting the time our members have volunteered to the community from February through the following January each year. The report reflects total volunteer hours that members of the Woodbridge Music Club supported activities like the ones listed below. Input from members must be reported to the Administrative Committee no later than March 1 in order to be reported to NFMC by the cutoff date.

  • Hospitals
  • VA Medical Centers
  • Nursing Homes
  • Retirement Homes
  • Senior Day Care Centers
  • Schools for Disabled Adults
  • Homebound Adults and Disabled Children
  • Day Care Centers for Disabled Children
  • Prisons
  • Other