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Woodbridge Music Club

About VFMC


“Where words fail, music speaks”
Hans Christian Andersen

VFMC 2022-23 Special Events 

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, these events may be cancelled or held virtually.

VFMC Fall Board Meeting – Charlottesville, VA – TBA
District II Meeting – Alexandria, VA – TBA
Mary Smart Preliminaries – TBA
VFMC Annual Convention – TBA
Mary Smart Finals – TBA

VFMC Officers & Appointed Officers 2022-2023

President – Dr. Cheryl Davis
First Vice President – Kathryn Peters
Second Vice President – Judy Barger Edgell
Third Vice President – Lisa Thomas
Recording Secretary – Elizabeth Kennedy
Treasurer – Lana Bailey
Assistant Treasurer – Zuill Bailey
Corresponding Secretary – Elin Havrilla
Parliamentarian – Dr. Cheryl Brown Davis
Chaplain – Kathryn Peters
Finance Chair – Wendell Anderson
Past President’s Assembly – Dr. Elaine Brady
Festival Chair – Cynthia Abernathy

VFMC District II Officers

Director – Cynthia Elmore
Vice Director – Lisa Thomas
Treasurer – Nathalie Steinbach
Secretary – Jane Cole