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Woodbridge Music Club

Students’ Events

NFMC Festival in Manassas

The National Federation of Music Club Festivals program is designed to stimulate interest in American and world music and encourage participants to reach high standards of musical achievement. It is not a competition but an opportunity to perform and receive evaluations. All Woodbridge Music Club members are eligible to enter students in the festival but must federate their students into a Junior Club with VFMC and pay those dues by October 20th each year. (Contact VFMC Treasurer for more details). Teachers are asked to attend an informational meeting about the Manassas Festival in the early fall. Applications are submitted online in early January. Teachers are expected to read the rules as published in the NFMC Festival Bulletin and are responsible for the music selections of their students. Every participating teacher is expected to judge in the festival. Contact the Manassas Festival Chair for more information.

Student Recitals

(See Calendar for dates of student recitals.)

These events are open to all members’ students on their chosen instrument. Ensemble playing is encouraged. Student expectations: wear appropriate performance attire (“Dress for Success” – no jeans or t-shirts), arrive 5-10 minutes early, perform solo pieces from memory, and bow when finished. (Duets and instrumental works with accompaniment may be performed with music.) Please limit total time for long pieces. No repeats. Teachers should discuss expectations with their students so they are well prepared.

Provide the information in the format below. List each student individually.

Title (time in minutes) – Composer’s Name (first & last)
Movement tempo marking (if performing a movement of a larger work)
Student’s name, instrument
Accompanist or duet partner’s name when applicable
Student’s age, grade, level of difficulty, and festival level

Include teacher’s name, email address, and telephone number below the last entry. List the total the number of students at the bottom (recital participation is virtual and free until further notice.) Email this information to Rudene Jones at rjones1260@aol.com (703-517-5843).

Scholarship Competitions

(Applications for these events will be distributed by email and available on the website)

Kiki Thomaidis Piano Competition

Piano Division 1 – $75, $50, $25
Piano Division 2 – $100, $75, $50
Piano Division 3 – $150, $125, $100
Piano Division 4 – $225, $200, $175
Piano Division 5 – $300, $275, $250

Prize winners must perform in our Winners’ Recital to receive their awards!

Eligibility: Applicants must study piano privately with a member of the Woodbridge Music Club.

Application Fees: $20

Student must perform one memorized composition.
Suggested repertoire from his/her solo class in the current festival (either required or choice piece).
No repeats. Max time – 8 minutes.
An original copy of the music is required for the judges.

Division 1 – Elementary Class I through Elementary Class II
Division 2 – Elementary Class III through Elementary IV
Division 3 – Medium through Moderately Difficult II
Division 4 – Moderately Difficult III through Difficult II
Division 5 – Very Difficult I through Musically Advanced II

The decision of the judges is final.

Senior Scholarship Competition

This scholarship is designed for graduating seniors who will be attending college. All instruments/voice are eligible to compete. Each entrant is required to perform two contrasting works and bring one copy of the music for the judges (photocopies are acceptable).  Memorization is recommended but not required to compete in this competition. Applications must include a letter of recommendation from their private music teacher and a copy of their college acceptance letter. This competition will include an interview with the judges.

1st Place: $500
2nd Place: $350
3rd Place: $200

Prize winners must perform in our Winners’ Recital to receive their awards!

Eligibility: Vocal and instrumental applicants must study privately or participate in a school music group under a teacher who is a member of the Woodbridge Music Club. Piano applicants must study piano with a member of the Woodbridge Music Club.

Application Fees: $25

The decision of the judges is final.